Once, there was a doctor who newly setup his own dental clinic at Hollywood.
Nak dijadikan citer, pada hari pertama klinik gigi dia officially open to public, muncul lah Brad Pitt di muka pintu. Makna kata, Brad Pitt merupakan the first customer mengunjungi klinik tersebut.
So, Brad Pit pun bertanya lah kepada Doktor Gigi tu,
Brad Pitt: kalu I nak buat ’scaling’ untuk kesemua 32 batang gigi saya, how much will it cost?
Dentist: Hmm, let see… since you are my first customer, I will charge you 1000 USD(~RM3,300).
Brad Pitt: What the F**k!!! Kau giler ke. Ini nak meniaga ke nak ‘sembelih’ pelanggan ni. Ahh, forget it lah. Tak jadi I nak buat scaling gigi kat sini.
Brad Pitt berjalan menuju ke pintu keluar, apabila Doctor gigi cepat2 menyapanya kembali.
Dentist: Okay.. Okay.. Look here. I don’t want to loose you as my first customer. I tell you what. How about if I offer you this special package. I’m very sure, you will be most like it.
For scaling services;
the 1st teeth I’ll charged you only 1 cent .
2nd teeth, I’ll charged you only 2 cent.
3rd teeth, I’ll charged you only 4 cent.
4th teeth, I’ll charged you only 8 cent.
5th teeth, I’ll charged you only 16 cent.
6th teeth, I’ll charged you only 32 cent.
7th teeth, I’ll charged you only 0.64 cent.
And so on, until I clean all your 32 teeth.
And you don’t have to pay me now. I sent the bill to your office tomorrow, OK.
Brad Pitt: You try to play fool with me do you. Apa, you ingat I sengket sangat ke. Kenapa murah gila baban macam ni?
Dentist: Just consider it as ‘promotional packages’ for my very first & special celebrities customers.
Brad Pitt, tanpa perlu befikir lagi, terus saje setuju dengan tawaran harga untuk mencucu & scaling giginya itu.
Keesokkan harinya, seperti yang dijanjikan, Brad Pitt telah menerima bil yang dihantar oleh doctor gigi. Alangkah ’terkezut’ beruknye Brad Pitt bila bil untuk mencuci & ’mengscaling’ giginya berjumlah 21,474,836.48 USD!!!!!
Kenapa? Anda tak percaya? Lihat carta yang dilampirkan ini;
Actually, fokus di sini bukan 21 juta USD tu.
I just want to relate this story to trading or investment or business concepts. Regardless, whether you trade in share markets, future stocks or properties investments; the key point here is “CONSISTENCY LEAD TO COMPOUNDING OF RETURN”.
Just 3 rules je if you involve in those areas.
1. Sabar
2. Jangan Tamak.
3. Consistent.
Kalu dalam bahasa orang putih, “Sikit-sikit, lama-lama jadi bukit“.
Think Big, Start small.
Trading di Maybank2u or di Cimb i trade misal nye menyediakan peluang trade dengan capital kalau tak salah aku serendah RM500.
So, lets try again;
If let say, in a job interview, and the HR is creative enough to offer you to choose between 2 salary scheme, which one would you chose;
Scheme salary A:
Month Basic salary RM5000.00
Scheme salary B:
Daily basic salary where on first day u will get 1 sen, 2 sen on second day, 4 sen on third day, 8 sen on fourth day, and on so on till 28th day.
Scheme A or Scheme B yang anda pilih? :-)
Apa2 pun, ingatlah, sekallipun satu ketika nanti anda mungkin rugi, anda tetap ada 1 sen sebagai modal untuk kembali menongkah ke depan!